The last (and 23rd) poem, is inspired by real events (he did indeed leave his autograph). Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, and thank you for reading the #DailyChristmasPoem!

Photo from Unsplash by Srikanta H.U.
My dad says if you're greedy, Santa doesn't come. So, this year I thought very hard about my letter.
Dear Santa,
I've been really good. I haven't pushed my brother much (I know I never should). I volunteered at school, I helped Mum with the chores. I shared a room with Cousin Max, even though he snores. So, this year please, could I have these...
A yoyo (blue), some glitter glue, a hat that plays a tune, a hug from Ben - he's moved again - I've not seen him since June. A new toy for my hamster and a joke to make Mum laugh, but most of all, I'd really have your autograph.